The Advertiser can create and manage different users with their roles and permissions So that the Advertiser can control access to the Platform Provider Portal effectively.
Create User
To create a user, the Advertiser can Click the Create User button on the Manage User page and follow these steps:
After that, the Add User module will open.
First Name (Required): The Advertiser sets the user's first name.
Last Name (Required): The Advertiser sets the user's last name.
Email (Required): The Advertiser sets the email Id which will serve as the user's username for login.
Role (Dropdown - Required): The Advertiser can select a role from a dropdown list.
Create Password (Required): The Advertiser sets the user's login password.
Confirm Password (Required): The Advertiser Confirms the login password.
Click on Create User button to create a user which will be shown on the manage user module or click on the cancel button to cancel the event.
Manage User
After clicking on the Create User button on the Add User module, the advertiser will be redirected to the manager user module. This module includes the following constraints
Search Bar: Advertisers can search by typing First Name and Last Name in the search bar.
Click on the Create User button to create a User.
Role List:
First Name: Shows the first name of the user.
Last Name: Shows the last name of the user.
User Name: Shows the email id of the user.
Role Name: Shows the role of the user.
Action: This field contains two buttons.
By clicking the Edit button, the advertiser can edit the roles.
By clicking the Delete button, the advertiser can delete the roles