Advertisers can create and manage their expenses in this module.
Create Expense
To create an expense record, Follow these steps:
Click on the Create Expense button.
Select Campaign (Drop Down): Select the campaign the advertiser wants to create an expense for.
Date: Select the date of expense.
Marketing Platform: Select the marketing platform or channel for which the expense is incurred (Can select multiple platforms).
Amount: Enter the amount (Advertisers respective currency) of expense for selected platforms.
Click on the Create Button to create an expense and click on Cancel to cancel the event.
Manage Expense
Advertisers can access the summary report of expenses they created in this module.
The module contains the following constraints:
Search Options: In the Expense Summary report, Advertisers have the ability to search for specific expense summaries by entering Campaign and Marketing Platform.
Filter: Advertisers can filter out fields they want to see.
Add Filter: The advertiser can add filters by fields and then filter the table accordingly(In this case, Advertisers can filter by adding Campaign and Marketing Platform fields).
Create Expense: Advertisers can create an expense by clicking on this button.
Expense Summary Listings: After applying the search criteria, the system provides a list of expense summaries based on the selected campaign and date range.
Each expense summary entry in the listing includes the following information:
Date: The date when the expense occurred.
Campaign: The name of the campaign for which the expense was incurred.
Marketing Platform: The platform or channel for which the expense was made.
Total Amount: The total cost (in respective currency) associated with the expense.
Action: Advertisers can edit and delete the expense records by clicking the edit and delete button respectively.