After a successful purchase, the advertiser will be redirected to the dashboard page which shows the below feature so they can check the details and do statistics of call tracking constraints. Please refer to the image below.
List Of Components In Dashboard
Here’s the information about components in the dashboard.
Active Calls: Shows the number of active calls (No refresh needed). By clicking on this, the advertiser will be redirected to the Live call summary report.
Total Calls: Shows total number of calls (No refresh needed). By clicking on this, the advertiser will be directed to the Call Detail Report module.
Refresh Button: By clicking this button the information on the dashboard will be updated accordingly.
Wallet Balance: The total wallet balance for the advertiser (In the advertiser’s currency).
Answered Calls: The number of calls that are attended.
Call Charge: The total charge amount for the total number of calls (In the advertiser’s currency).
Call Duration: The total call duration for the total number of calls (In HH:MM: SS format).
Total Revenue:
Shows total profit and total expense in the form of numbers (in the advertiser’s currency).
Pie chart of total profit and total expense in the form of percentage.
Filter options:
Date Range: Advertisers can select a date range filter (filter would be today, yesterday, current month, custom date range - enter start and end dates.)
Campaign: Advertisers can select a campaign (Can select multiple campaigns).
Target: Advertisers can select a target (Can select multiple targets).
Call Count v/s Call Charge Graph: The Advertiser will get the graph details for call count and call charge according to the schedule filter.
There are mainly 4 graphs representing Incoming calls count, Connected calls counts, Revenue generated from the calls, and Charges sent to the platform provider for the calls.
Campaign information table: Shows the relevant fields like Campaign Name, Target Name, Total Calls, Total calls connected, Total missed calls, Total calls duration, Average call duration, Total calls cost, Revenue.
Chat Support: Advertisers can also use the floating chat option for queries. Click on Chat Button to start the chat.