Reports ( Call Detail )

Reports ( Call Detail )

Call Details Report  

Advertisers can view the call details on this module. This module contains following components:

  1. Standard Time: Select the standard timezone.

  2. Select Date Range: Advertisers have the option to specify a date range to filter the report by entering the start and end dates in the calendar.

  3. Search Bar:  Advertisers can search by entering Campaign Name and Termination.

  4. Export CSV: By clicking on this button, Advertisers can export the report on the CSV file (Maximum 10,000 records at a time) like the above process.

  5. Export PDF: The advertiser can export the records in PDF format.

  6. Refresh Button: By clicking on this button, The report will be refreshed.

  7. Add Filter: Advertisers can select the Campaign and target to filter data. Advertisers must choose a campaign first and then target it (Can select multiple). An Advertiser can also select the Block Number Excluded option independently.

  8. Call Count bar chart: If Advertisers select this graph then Advertisers can filter the call count bar chart with constraints like Converted, Not Converted, and No Answer by selecting hour, day, and month.

  9. Call Detail pie chart: If Advertisers select this graph so they can see the pie chart with the percentage of constraints like Converted, Not Converted, and No Answer.

  10. Date & Time: Shows the Date and Time of the Call.

  11. Caller ID: Shows the Caller ID of the call.

  12. Campaign Name: Shows the name of the campaign.

  13. DID number: Shows the DID number associated with the Campaign.

  14. Target Number: Shows the Target number associated with the Campaign.

  15. Target: Shows the target of the call.

  16. Call Status: Shows the status of call (Answered/Not answered).

  17. Call Duration: Shows the duration of the call.

  18. Call Cost: Shows the cost of the call.

  19. Recording Cost: Shows the cost of recording.

  20. Total Cost: Shows the total cost (Call cost + Recording cost).

  21. Revenue: Shows the revenue generated of the call.

  22. Recording: Advertisers can hear the recording set by them (Mono/Stereo)

    • Recording Bar: Advertisers can drag a button on this Bar to hear the recording.

    • Advertisers can click on the Pause Button to pause the recording.

    • Advertisers can click on the Play Button to play the recording.

    • Advertisers can click on the Download Button to download the recording.

  23. Actions: Advertisers can view the particular record by clicking on the eye button.

  • Export a record

  • Call Detail Report


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