Reports ( Transaction History )

Reports ( Transaction History )



Transaction History  

When the advertiser clicks on the Reports module, Advertisers will get many modules. Select the Transaction History Module Which shows the data of transaction history. This module contains the following components:

  1. Select Date Range: Advertisers have the option to specify a date range to filter the report.

  2. Search Bar:  Advertisers can search by Order ID, Transaction Event and Transaction ID.

  3. Export CSV: By clicking on this button, Advertisers can export the report on the CSV file (Maximum 10,000 records at a time) Click on Yes to get the CSV file and No to cancel the event.

  1. Export PDF: By clicking on this button, Advertisers can export the report on the PDF file (Maximum 10,000 records at a time) Click on Yes to get the PDF file and No to cancel the event.

  2. By clicking on the Refresh Button, The report will be refreshed.

  3. Add Filter: The advertiser can add filters by fields and then filter the table accordingly(In this case, Advertisers can filter by adding Status (Success/ Failed)and Transaction Event field).

  4. Transaction History Table:

  5. Date & Time: Shows the Date and Time of the transaction.

  6. Order ID: Shows the order ID during the purchase.

  7. Transaction Event: Shows the event of the transaction like plan change, call charge, etc.

  8. Transaction ID: ID of the transaction.

    • Amount Added (Green Text): Amount added to your IHA Wallet in the process like a refund, call revenue, etc.

    • Amount Deducted (Red Text): Amount deducted to your IHA Wallet in the process like call charges, change plan, etc.

  9. Amount: Shows the amount of the transaction.

  10. Status: Shows the status of the transaction(Success/Failed).

  11. Payment Method: Shows the payment method.

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